Southern Missouri lies at the bottleneck of the Mississippi Flyway, and flooded rice fields surrounding Kennett help provide an essential stopping point for migrating and wintering waterfowl. Following the rice harvest, farmers often flood their fields to attract migrating waterfowl during the winter months.
  • Ducks and geese are expecially active at sunrise and sunset during the winter months.

    Ducks and geese are expecially active at sunrise and sunset during the winter months.

  • Besides flooded fields, waterfowl often can be found at Lake Jerry Paul Combs east of Kennett.

    Besides flooded fields, waterfowl often can be found at Lake Jerry Paul Combs east of Kennett.

  • Canada geese are plentiful in Dunklin County fields during the winter months.

    Canada geese are plentiful in Dunklin County fields during the winter months.

Kennett Chamber of Commerce
1601 First Street
Kennett, Missouri 63857
(573) 888-5828 •
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